I WON! MADS Blog Awards 2020

I WON! I am absolutely thrilled and so surprised that I've won the MADS Blog Awards 2020 in my category "Favourite Family Food Influencer"! This is my first ever blog award and I am beyond delighted and giddy with excitement!

This award was supposed to be revealed back in October 2020 at the finalists celebration gala dinner, but it obviously didn't happen because of COVID. I'll now be looking forward to this hopefully in 2022 instead with all the other incredible winners in their categories. 

Thank you to everyone who voted for me and thank you to the anonymous person who nominated my blog in the first place! (Please let me know who are you if you're reading this post!). 

I started this blog in April 2014. My very first blog post was a nod to baking macarons inspired by Raspberri Cupcakes and since then, I've happily written many blog posts sharing recipes, my favourite eats in London, delightful travel eats, lifestyle posts and lots of things in between. 

I am so grateful to my little corner on the Internet and for all the opportunities it has brought me. I've learned many skills thanks to blogging, all of which has led me to the way I now live and work. My blog has blossomed so much in its 7 year history and every blog post has been written with passion and joy. 

Although life is now always busy as a young family of 4, running my Etsy wedding shop and mini bakery, my blog will always have a huge place in my heart and it's the place I turn to when I want to just write and seek solitude. I may not blog as often as I used to but I'll always jump back on now and again with a recipe to share, travel adventures, foodie posts, home decor updates and anything that life brings. 

Thank you for the years of support and for enjoying all the things I share. 

Lucy xoxo


1 comment

  1. Very nice article with lots of information. Thanks for sharing this one with us.
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