Get Organised for Moving Houses

January 31, 2019

Get Organised for Moving Houses
Whilst I'm not moving houses anytime soon, I have done it so many times in my life and the best thing you can do to minimise stress is to get organised with a timeline of tasks, as soon as you know you're going to be moving. I recently helped a friend out with said tedious task and as she was planning on moving countries, the first thing we did was to reduce and get rid of her belongings as much as possible. This absolutely works even if you are just moving down the road, offloading and moving 'light' is essential.

Bali Day 1 - Fox Harris Hotel + Kayumanis Restaurant

January 24, 2019

Bali really is one of those places I've always wanted to go to for the longest of times and thanks to one of my best friends who decided to get married there in October last year, it was the perfect excuse to tick it off my bucket list. And not only did we get to enjoy 6 beautiful days in Bali, we also got to experience our first beach wedding which was just incredible.

Japanese Soufflé Pancake Recipe

January 10, 2019

A very belated happy new year guys! I've definitely been MIA on the blog, December came round so quickly and the WHOLE month became Christmas month with baking, parties and so many outings. I hope you all had a fabulous festive break and ready for 2019 - I totally am! This year, my blog will be more focused on sharing recipes, great places to eat out in London and travel blogs. I'll be cutting back on home + lifestyle posts since I realised my real passion is food and I really should dedicate more time to it.  
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