Bursting Blueberry Pop-Ups | Baby Recipes

These bursting blueberry pop-ups from Ella's Kitchen's The Big Baking Book (the yellow one) are super easy to make and just look so pretty. They are not very sweet at all, and if you prefer, you can add honey if your little one is over 1 year old, or a little more sugar when making the batter.

I ended up serving Isaac's ones with a blob of fruit puree from the Ella's Kitchen fruit pouches and drizzled honey on my ones once they were out of the oven.

The recipe makes 6 regular size muffins or 14 mini ones.


40g white self raising flour
40g wholemeal plain flour (I used 80g white self raising flour instead)
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 egg
75ml whole milk
1 tbsp sunflower oil
50g full fat cream cheese or ricotta (I used cream cheese)
75g blueberries

1. Preheat the oven to 220C degrees/gas mark 7
2. Place the flours, baking powder, sugar, egg and milk in a bowl and beat well to make a smooth thick batter
3. Put 1/2 tsp of the oil in each hole of a 6 section muffin tin, then heat the oil in the oven for 5 minutes
4. Carefully remove the tin from the oven and immediately spoon in the batter while the oil is still hot. Add 1 tsp of cream cheese or ricotta to each hole and press the blueberries down on top
5. Return the tin to the oven for about 12 minutes until the pop ups are risen and just firm. Loosen the edges with a knife, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool
6. Serve warm or cold, lightly dusted with extra sugar if you are using. The pop ups are best eaten on the day you make them

There are loads of different ways to make these perfect pop-ups. Try other flavour combinations such as banana and chocolate chip, or a savoury version made with mini sausages


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