Jamie Oliver's Olive Oil Buying Guide

We all know how good olive oil is for you but do you know which one to pick depending on what you're cooking?

I don't really have the foggiest and will usually just pick up an extra virgin olive oil because it sounds the healthiest, but I'm glad to finally learn what is what thanks to this nifty little infographic.

I had no idea about how to taste the different notes in olive oil like you do with wines, and I can't wait to give it go. Based on my daily lifestyle, it seems as anything but extra virgin olive oil is the right one for me! 

I visited Jamie's Italian a few months ago and the olive oil tasted good and I'm sure it was in all the food we ate too. Take a look at the gorgeous olive tapenade served with bread.  

Aside from being used in cooking, did you know that olive oil have many uses too? Here's a few popular ones:

Other Uses For Olive Oil

1) Moisturise skin. Great for applying after a shower to maintain moisture in the skin.

2) Massage oil. There's no need for fancy oils when olive oil does the job nicely and will moisturise your skin at the same time.

3) Rub into hair ends. Rub a few drops onto the ends of dry hair for instant shine.

4) Repair cracked heels. When your heals are dry and cracked, apply lots of olive oil and then wear a pair of socks to lock in the moisturising process. Best done at bed time. 

5) Lubricate squeaky doors. Just a few drops on the hinges and it's squeak no more.

6) Dust wooden furniture. Put a few drops of oil onto a cloth and dust away. All the dust will stick to the oil and it will leave you with shiny furniture.

7) Unstick a zip. Use a cotton bud dipped in oil and run over the zip a few times. The oil should loosen it all up.

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own and unbiased. 

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