Getting Ready For Spring

With Spring finally arriving in the UK and ending what feels like a super long Winter, it's so nice to step outside and see blossoming flowers and trees everywhere. The weather is milder, days are starting to feel longer and Spring cleaning is the perfect way to kick start the new season!

I've always been a fan of Spring cleaning, not because I actually like cleaning, but when my home is in order, my mind feels de-cluttered and my overall well being also improves. Spring cleaning isn't just about cleaning up, it's also about decluttering and re-organising.

Living in a clutter-free home is appealing to many and with less possessions, this automatically means less cleaning, less tidying, less organising and more time and money freed up to do the things we really enjoy in life.

Distinctive Chesterfields and my friend Hanh have some good #Springcleaninghacks to give you a helping hand and here's are a few of my own which I do each year.

Pack Away The Winter Gear
Just getting rid of the heavier fabrics will instantly re-new the energy in the room.
All the cosy Winter stuff that's dotted around the home should all be packed away to make way for lighter Spring fabrics. This includes cosy sofa blankets, duvets, electric blankets, and Winter clothing such as scarves, gloves, Winter coats and boots.

Clean The Rooms
Work your way around the room in a 360 degree motion, finishing with the floor last and stick with antibacterial wipes and paper towels. You waste less time going around the room if you move along with the walls and by swiping down surfaces with antibacterial wipes and drying off with paper towels, there's no need to run dirty cloths under the tap every 10 seconds. I like to start by cleaning the living room, then the hallway and bathrooms since these are the most used areas when we have friends over. Bedrooms get the last makeover. I try and keep my kitchen clean daily so there is never too much to do for a Spring clean.

De-clutter Everything
Easier said than done, but start room by room. All items should have a rightful place in the home, if it doesn't, time to ditch.
Kitchen: Purge all expired foods from the fridge/freezer/food cupboards, and get rid of the double utensils that do the same things.
Living/dining room: Get rid of old books/DVDS/magazines and if you have kids, toys that they have outgrown.
Hallway: Any coats/shoes/bags no longer used can be given to charity, and get rid of the pile of letters and junk mail by the door.
Bathroom: Throw away toiletries and makeup no longer used.
Bedroom: Tackle that heaving wardrobe and find 5-10 items of clothing that hasn't been worn for 1+ years. You don't need it and you won't miss it. Save your old underwear, socks and PJ's in a bag so that it can be taken on holiday to 'throw and go' and helping you save precious luggage space for shopping.
Fresh Air and Flowers
Nothing refreshes a home more so than fresh air so open up all the windows once you've done your Spring cleaning. Blooms can really lift the energy of a room, so get some for the living/dining room, and freshen up the kitchen window sill with an array of herbs.

*This is a collaborative post


  1. I love having a good old Spring Clean, I've been doing the same over the last couple of weeks, it's so refreshing! Great tips.

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches Travel & Lifestyle Blog

    1. There's something so refreshing and uplifting about Spring cleaning right! haha

  2. I'm currently working on spring cleaning my everything and it takes forever! All those extra cleaning projects and apartment organization... I do feel more organized after finishing some of my projects though! Your post inspired me to put a few more spring cleaning items on my to-do list. Thanks for the inspo!

    1. Thanks Katya, I love the feeling after everything is Spring cleaned, good luck!!


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