Throwing a Baby Shower Party

Whenever I think of Easter, these are the things that spring to mind: Bunnies, mini eggs, chicks and roast lamb. 

But I never end up doing anything Easter related! Last year, I hosted this epic chicken wing party, and this year, we threw a baby shower for a good friend of mine.

The baby shower was a lot of fun, it involved a lot of food & desserts and of course baby shower games! Between us, Burger Law and I were pretty pleased with our efforts, and mum-to-be had a good time.

Desserts set up first! 

Hand made baby shower bunting with baby gros and clouds on mini pegs. 

 The lovely cupcakes by Mary. They were so good, especially the matcha ones. 

 Lemon-curd and coconut macarons. I love my stackable macaron tower. 

 Okinawa salt just tastes amazing in desserts. I will post a recipe for this soon!

 I'd been wanting to make these mini dessert shots for the longest time. They are just too cute!

 Almond biscuits/cookies

 Handmade nappy cake - nappies are always a useful baby shower present...

Just in case there were desserts left over to take home... they got used

 Any excuse to use my apothecary jar. Easily filled with marshmallows.

 We love our wings! And any substantial savouries of course

Burger Law's sandwiches are out of this world. I know you are thinking they are just sandwiches, but they are far better than ones I've had at expensive afternoon teas. Yum!

Soya braised chicken wings made by the mum-to-be

 Thai sweet chilli and soya wings. Recipe here.

 Home made gyoza/dumplings. I will be posting the recipe soon. 

I didn't manage to get photos for the games, but it involved blind tasting jars of baby food, naming celebrity baby names, ping pong ball dropping, and nappy changing to name a few. Burger Law happens to be a brilliant games master and whenever games are involved, she's there making it happen!

That's a wrap for our home-hosted baby shower, we are now just waiting for baby Lo to make an appearance. 

I hope you all had a great Easter! 



  1. Oh my gosh, what a cute setup Lucy! You're so talented, I love all the finishing touches. Can I ask you where you got those glass jars for the marshmallows from? I need to get some supplies for the wedding :) those meringue kisses look so good too! I can't wait for your savory recipes too!

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

    1. Thank you Hanh! Haha, no way, I'm just addicted to pinterest! =D
      The apothecary jar was from amazon, where you can also find lots of other glass jars.
      Recipes on the way x

  2. I can't imagine a lovelier baby shower; this looks like a dream and sounded like a lot of fun! Your friend is super lucky. It's so obvious you put a lot of work, effort, and love into this. I'm in awe of your desserts, will I ever not be? They're so insanely well-made. I love that you even thought about guests being able to bring some with them home :) That lemon curd and coconut macaron must be my new favorite!

    1. Thanks so much Kie, you always leave such lovely and kind comments!
      Haha, there are always leftovers when it comes to sweets, I know after my wedding dessert bar :)
      If you ever come to london.... the macarons have your name on it! x

  3. oh wow this looks AMAZING! I'm actually going to a baby shower on Sunday and am now filled with all MANNER of inspiration for things to make and take! That babygro bunting- just the cutest thing I've ever seen!

    Katie x

    1. Thanks so much Katie, I hope you had a great time at the baby shower, what did you make/take? x

  4. You guys done so well - so pretty! I dislike reading foodie posts at lunch...need to avoid your blog until after dinner in the evenings!

    1. Thanks Mandy! hahhahha, eat before you read =D


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